Ablageort im Repository (GitLab): Projekt3070-Comby
Diskussionsforum (Discourse): Projekt3070-Comby
Readme: Projekt3070-Comby
Beschreibung des Projektes:
PublicCode.YML: anzeigen
OSS Compliance: anzeigen
Comby is a solution designed for organizing ridesharing within carpooling banks. It is a progressive web app that enables users to create and manage rides, as well as communicate with participants. The app is built using React and TypeScript.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
Services: Ensure the following services are running: slr-authorization-service (keycloak), slr-user-service, slr-media-service and slr-solution4.2-services (refer to the corresponding projects for setup instructions).
Private SDKs: Generate TypeScript SDKs for some services mentioned above using openapi-generator.
SLR Shared Library: Ensure that shared library is hosted and can be installed (refer to the corresponding projects for setup instructions).
These SDKs can be hosted privately as well. If hosting privately, configure access for these packages. See for more in .npmrc.default.
The project structure is organized as follows:
All implemented pages, context, hooks utils and more can be found inside the src folder.
assets: Includes icon library and images used within the application.
components: Includes shared views used within different pages.
context: Includes all the contexts that are shared between components.
hooks: Includes all hooks used within the components.
mocks: Includes mock data/wrapper/functions that are required for tests.
pages: Includes all pages, their routings and views.
providers: Includes implementations of context providers for sharing context between components.
schemas: Includes schemas definitions for validating data input by the user.
services: Includes services hooks and api configurations.
settings: Includes settings used within the application.
theme: Includes implementations related to theming/styling.
types: Includes shared or generic types.
utils: Includes shared utils and helper functions implementations.
tests: Includes tests for.
test: Includes configurations and functions needed for the testing library.
In the project directory, you can run:
Installs all packages and dependencies listed in `package.json`.
Runs the app in the development mode.\
Open http://localhost:3001 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.\
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
This is a list of the used libraries, their description as provided by the libraries authors and their license(s).