Ablageort im Repository (GitLab): Projekt2906-Aurea-AR-Modul Android
Diskussionsforum (Discourse): Projekt2906-Aurea-AR-Modul Android
Readme: Projekt2906-Aurea-AR-Modul Android
Beschreibung des Projektes: AUREA AR-Modul zur Augmented Reality Visualisierung von Sensordaten
PublicCode.YML: anzeigen
OSS Compliance: anzeigen
The AUREA module is a tool that was developed as part of the City of Kassel's Smart City concept
(Smart Kassel | https://www.kassel.de/smart) in collaboration with the University of Kassel's
Communication technology department (Universität Kassel | www.uni-kassel.de).
The module enables citizens to experience the city in a completely new way. It is a building block that can be integrated
into larger applications (such as city apps) or developed into a stand-alone AR application.
This software is the Open-Source part (Software 2) of the Aurea App for Android.
It uses the copyright protected Framework (Software 1) for Android (Provided by ComTec).
To get a licenced copy of the Framework please contact the following Mail Address: comtec@uni-kassel.de
The copyright protected Framework (Software 1) may only be used if a licence has previously been granted by the University of Kassel.
Android Version: `>9.0`
Framework (Software 1) for Android in Version `v1.0` (Provided by ComTec).
This software is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3.
Package | Description |
core | Core Components of the Project. |
core.data | API and Database Implementation. |
core.domain | Modelfiles and Utils. |
core.presentation | Main Components and and Navigation. |
di | Dependency Injection with Dagger-Hilt. |
feature_about | Files and Components of the About View. |
feature_app_intro | Files and Components of the App Intro. |
feature_ar | Files and Components of the AR-Feature. |
feature_compass | Files and Components of the Compass Feature. |
feature_contact | Files and Components of the Contact View. |
feature_settings | Files and Components of the Settings View. |
Name | Description |
lottie-compose | Lottie is a cross-platform library, that natively renders vector-based animations and art in realtime with minimal code. <br>https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-android |
timber | Logging API. <br>https://github.com/JakeWharton/timber |
okhttp3 | HTTP client for Android. <br>https://github.com/square/okhttp |
retrofit2 | A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. <br>https://github.com/square/retrofit |
moshi | Moshi is a modern JSON library for Android, Java and Kotlin. <br>https://github.com/square/moshi |
Font Awesome Free | Font Awesome is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators. <br> https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome |
Reporting bugs:
If you come across any issues while using the Aurea App, please report them by creating a new issue on the GitLab repository.
Reporting bugs form:
App version: 1.3.0
Android version: 14.0
Device Name: Google Pixel 7 Pro
Description: When I tap on abc, the App shows xyz instead of zyx.
Steps to reproduce:
Providing feedback:
If you have any feedback or suggestions for the Aurea App project, please let us know by creating a new issue or by sending an email to the project maintainer.